The board of directors of the club are currently reviewing the club bylaws. These have not been updated since the club was incorporated. More details will be available at the December 12 regular club meeting.
The past few years have seen many improvements to our facility. The old deck was removed from the clubhouse. A new and larger deck was added, with concrete floor, with glass see-through railings, which are essentially maintenance free! The trap range was completely rebuilt, and is now completely concrete and handicap accessible. A pistol range with 3 lanes and a manual target retrieval system was completed. Also a separate 12 lane pistol range has been built without the retrieval system. A new storage shed has been built, and a porta-potty that is handicap accessible is now on site. New steel rifle target frames were added. This should eliminate the constant replacement of the wood standards. Many thanks to Gordie Helwig for building them!! A retaining wall was built behind the club house to hold back the hillside, which was slowly getting closer to the back of the club house. Please enjoy and respect these additions to our facility!